There are certain things within a marriage that can ultimately crush and destroy the union.
Hidden secrets of the heart in the beginning may seem innocent or trivial - but as time goes on and more secrets begin to circulate and form within the heart, you run the risk of giving the enemy access to your marriage through guilt and shame for what you know to be the truth, but have yet to disclose.
In today's episode, we will specifically discuss the loss of (physical) attraction:
what it means when you aren't attracted to your husband anymore
life experiences and "things" you consume that can contribute this feeling
the danger in neglecting this hidden secret
practical tips to help revive your heart, love, and attraction towards your husband again
I pray you enjoy this episode!
- Gloria
Download Your Gift | 5 Key Elements Guide: Every Christian Wife Need to Access the Heart of Her Husband
The Eloquent Wife Podcast | Gloria Warren
Episode #2
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