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Writer's pictureGloria Warren

Practical Ways to Open Your Heart -The Eloquent Wife Academy


Do you agree that one of the greatest gifts a woman can receive is pure, authentic love?

Whether you've ever said, "I'll never open my heart" or "I desire to open my heart but I'm afraid I'll be hurt again..." - this is an area of the heart God wants to mend and heal because it can affect so many areas of your life, negatively.

So, as we wrap up our last class for the month of February, the Lord wants to diminish the facades from our lives so that as wives, we can walk in authentic freedom in our marriage.

Today's Class Topic: Practical Ways to Open Your Heart

For today's class, we are going to learn about vulnerability, why it's important in a marriage, and reasons being vulnerable makes you be distant from receiving and giving pure love.

Streaming The Eloquent Wife Academy channels such as: Extra, and Elite

Sign in below to stream at 1:00 PM Eastern

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Free Guide: 5 Key Elements Every Christian Wife Need to Access the Heart of Her Husband


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