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Writer's pictureGloria Warren

The Heart of Rachel or Leah

There are some of you wives who feel like Rachel in your marriage, and others, more so like Leah.

Not from the perspective of your husband having another wife that he loves more, but from the perspective of not being seen and loved the way that nourishes your heart.

You keep thinking, "surely, now he'll notice me!" - but the days keep rolling without notice. Consumed with himself, the bills, work, maybe even pastoring or ministry that he has forgotten to love you from a Christ- centered place.

The man that you once knew as the pursuer is no longer pursuing you, and your time together feels dull with no life, no vision, and no effort.

My prayer for you this day sister:

May the Lord intercede on your behalf and deal with the heart of your husband. You are not forgotten, you are loved.

Keep doing what is righteous and that which the Lord requires of you. (2) wrongs will never make a right - and as you serve your husband as you would unto the Lord, just as God abundantly blessed Leah, may that be your portion.

JESUS came through the lineage of Leah. She was purposeful and a beloved daughter of the Most High God. No matter the shortcomings of her husband, she served a God who loves to draw new to the brokenhearted and restore.

Her tears didn't go unnoticed.

Her pain didn't go unnoticed.

The same way God multiplied her for her sorrow, may the Lord do the same for you.

I speak restoration to your mind, self-esteem, heart, and thoughts in Jesus name, amen.

What is the one thing you feel God is teaching you in this season of your life?






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