The revolving cycle that keeps pulling on your soul, feeding you thoughts of worthlessness are nothing more than a ploy of the enemy to destroy your self-esteem.
If Satan can destroy your esteem, he can destroy the plan God has for your life, your marriage, and every other great thing the Lord would love to do through you and for you.
How is this possible?
If you feel worthless, any good thing that comes to you will always be measured through some sort of filter such as:
• No one will listen to me...
• Who am I?...
• I'm a nobody...
• I'm not smart like the other girls...
• I could never...
• Does God really love me?...
• If I weren't so stupid I...
“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” || Matthew 10:29-31
Healing is the children's bread and the very words that were sent out to destroy and reshape your thinking as a child shall all be brought down. Negative words have spilled over into your adult life long enough.
This day shall yield restoration for you in Jesus name, amen.